Friday, July 20, 2012

How To Become A Leader In Just 90 Days

  How’s that for an offer you can’t refuse?

Yes, you can become a leader in only three short months. What’s more, it’s much easier and faster than you probably ever imagined possible. Here’s how:

First, think: Is anybody born a leader?  I was not. Were you?

We may inherit intellectual, emotional, or even physical characteristics, which are useful for becoming a leader — but a born leader? …Naaah.  So, let’s agree that people become leaders through some kind of process. Okay, what’s the process people have successfully used for becoming leaders?

Well, there are leadership trainings. Do people emerge from these weekend/week-long workshops as card-carrying leaders? Hardly. I don’t think you can workshop yourself into being a leader. But I am convinced you can be trained, or train yourself to become a leader.

The most common leadership development process I’ve observed is the emergence of a leader from a person who performs “leadership” actions consistently over a period of time. In other words, training results in leaders. The military, even the Scouts, have proved this to be true.

Now, what do you call human behavior that results from a person taking consistent action over time? A habit. And that’s the key to becoming (or creating) a leader in just 90 days: Developing the Habit of Leadership.

How You Create A Habit

Maxwell Maltz claimed, in his pioneering personal growth text, Psycho cybernetics, that you could make a new habit in 21 days. Tribal people, relying on more “natural” sciences, say it takes 28 days – one complete cycle of the moon.

So, give or take a week, you should be able to develop a new habit in about a month. With two more months of practice making perfect, it should be a very done deal in 90 days.

Now, the way you develop a new habit – any habit – is to repeat the desired behavior over-and-over-and-over-and..., until it moves from being an action you think about before you do it, to one done without your conscious attention.  Putting on your directional signals in your car before making a turn is an example.

Okay, you develop a habit by repeating an action consistently.  How consistently?  For this exercise in creating the habit of leadership, let’s consider taking daily actions.

Your 12 Daily Habits

To develop the Habit of Leadership, I recommend you make a list of 12 Daily Habits, which you commit to doing day in, day out, every day for 90 days.

Now, if you are a master of the will, you may not need to do these things each and every day.  However, I have yet to meet a person who has such mastery.  But, on the odd chance you are one...fine.  Do the actions whenever.  For the rest of us – especially in the beginning – these actions MUST be taken day in, day out, seven times each week, as if your life depended on it!

And, if you are really serious about becoming a leader using this habit method, and you’ve been known to get a little lazy and even sneaky sometimes about getting out of doing things, I recommend you “hire” a partner/coach with whom you check in every day so you can report that you did or did not do your habits.  If you did hear – as in deeply and generously experience on a feeling level – that person’s magnificent praise of you for doing these actions, you send them a $100 bill IMMEDIATELY! (Upping the ante works! And it’s okay to manipulate yourself for a positive outcome. Just don’t do it to other people).  If you didn’t, then work with your partner/coach to plan a schedule where these habits can be achieved.

So, what are some “leadership” actions you can take and make into habits? Well, let’s see – what do leaders do?

For one thing, they READ.  So, one habit you can do is to read 30 minutes every day.  (I’ll leave it to you WHAT to read. As a guide, ask yourself, “What would a leader be reading?”)

A leader is healthy and fit — right?  So, two more habits you might use: Exercise 30 minutes every day, and cut your previous fat and cholesterol intake in half.  (By the way: Make up habits that you can measure.  “Eat right,” doesn’t make it.  “Cut out meat for a month,” does.)

How about the habit of spending one full hour every day with your spouse or life partner.  Is that something a leader would do?

Friend/mentor, Carol McCall has identified “Six Areas of Life Planning,” and I say you would be best to have at least two leadership habits to work with in each of the following areas: Career, Health, Relationships, Recreation, Finances, and Personal Growth.

You need not restrict yourself to developing 12 and only 12 leadership habits. Just don’t take on so much to do that the habits get in your way.  This process is tough enough, thank you, so make your leadership habits easy.  (You heroes can wait and create more, harder habits for the fourth month!)

That’s it. That’s “How to Become a Leader in Just 90 Days.”  Make 12 daily leadership habits and do them with a life-or-death commitment for the next three months.  In 90 days you will be a leader.  Then, try it with a select collection of your distributors, too.  Have them all check in with you by voice mail each night to let you know how they did – then work with them until they are leaders.

And yes, this is probably too simple and easy to really work.  Why?  Because the secret is - you have to do it.

As self-made world leader Jim Rohn says:

It’s easy to do...and
It’s easy not to do...
Whether you do, or you don’t do, is up to you.

By John Milton Fogg

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Best Weight Management Products.

Weight Management

Trying to lose weight? Not seeing results? Herbalife’s Weight Management solutions are for you. Combining cutting-edge science with delicious shakes and snacks, Herbalife’s Weight Management products can help you lose those unwanted pounds.

Weight-Management programs help personalize your protein for your body, helping you feel full and energized as you shed unwanted pounds. With a Cellular Nutrition® foundation, Weight-Management Programs includes a customized meal plan to help you get in shape and stay that way.


Formula 1

Herbalife’s delicious protein shakes are loaded with essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are perfect for busy people. Whether you’re on the go or just want a nutritious meal, reach for an Herbalife Formula 1 shake to satisfy your hunger and help manage your weight.


prodImageTreat your body to a healthy,  balanced meal in no time! Not only are these shakes easy to make,
they’re also delicious. With up to 20 essential vitamins, minerals and nutrient, 9 grams of healthy fiber that help support weight management.  Plus, they come in seven delicious flavors – weight management never tasted so good!

Curb your hunger and stay energized with the power of protein.  Here are 3 good reasons to protein up with our delicious protein powders.

  1. Provides more protein than just adding milk.
  2. No refrigeration needed
  3. No trips to the store.
Protein Powder Overview

Get more protein! Protein can help you feel fuller longer and assist you with your weight-management, fitness and health goals. Help satisfy pesky hunger pangs by adding this fat-free, protein-enriched powder to your shakes or meals.

prodImageKey Benefits
  • Helps build and maintain lean muscle mass.
  • Fat-free protein supplement for hunger control.
  • Contains 5g of soy and whey protein, and all 9 essential amino acids.





Herbalife’s enhancers are designed to help accelerate your weight management goals. Whether you struggle with snacking, energy, fluid retention or digestion, we have all your bases covered.

Prolessa™ Duo


Control your hunger and reduce your fat with this dual-action weight-management solution that helps you eat less and optimize your weight-loss program.*.   Available in 7-Day and 30-Day programs.

prodImageKey Benefits
  • A unique formula that helps to significantly reduce caloric intake.*
  • Helps promote body fat loss.* • Helps create a feeling of fullness.*
  • Stimulant-free.
  • Made with clinically tested ingredients.

 Herbal Tea Concentrate


Ditch the coffee and soda for this refreshing and tasty alternative. Feel reinvigorated with this natural energy lift, our answer to fatigue caused by stress.* It’s delicious, instant and low in calories.

prodImageKey Benefits

  •     Antioxdant and thermogenic benefits of green tea and botanicals.*
  •     Provides an energy boost and weight-management support.*
  •     Delicious, instant and low-calorie.

You can check out our other weight loss and targeted nutritional products by visiting our catalog product store.  Click here to visit

Monday, July 16, 2012

Time is Precious, Don't Let it Just Slip Away

I am posting this article from Paul and Meg Lile because they give some great advice about time mangagement.
By Meg Lile, President's Team
 Paul and Meg Lile of Pennsylvania were close to $1 million in debt, financially bankrupt
 and in emotional ruins when an acquaintance from a non-profit organization they both were  involved with walked into Paul's failing business office wearing a "Lose Weight Now..."  button. Paul asked about the button and eventually he and Meg, through hard work and diligence, became President's Team members. They are popular guest speakers and trainers at Herbalife corporate events and generously share the business techniques they developed through first hand experience.

Does anybody ever hear "Oh, I'd like to do Herbalife, but I don't have any time." or, "there are just not enough hours in the day to do everything I have to."  I hear it a lot, and I understand the feeling.  What I hated was having the day speed by and I hadn't finished, or even started, the things I needed to do.
I took a time management course and found it very helpful.  I love planning my day because it allows me to effectively manage a household, children (and their varied activities), my hobbies (I am a figure skater), travel, taking other courses, and running our home-based Herbalife business.  The first secret is knowing what you want to accomplish. The others are planning and doing it.

Set goals.
The first step in time management is becoming clear on your goals. Goals include all aspects of my life. I prioritize my goals in this order:
 1. My spiritual connection
 2. My family
 3. Our Herbalife business
 4. My hobbies

The goal section in the new Herbalife International Business Opportunity Manual is great. My husband and kids are also an integral part of goal setting.  Include your family and set goals.  Our family goal was to be President's Team members. We accomplished this in the summer of 1994 after going full time in 1990. We designed the life we now live and love.

Use a planning system.
Put a system in place and use it every day. I use a day planner.
At the beginning of each month I enter the dates of all trainings that are taking place with a green marker.  Mark down any weekly training calls that take place as well.  I also write my ice time and exercise routine in an orange marker and the kids' activities in pink for my daughter and blue for my son.

Then I transfer the information from the monthly calendar to the day and week pages respectively.  For each day, I have appointments in time-slotted columns. Next to that I have a list of all my Herbalife things to do.  I block out phone time for follow-up calls, new contact calls and downline calls.

Work from your goals.
For example, if you want to earn $2,000 a month profit from retail sales, break it down to $500 a week, or $100 a day (at the Supervisor level). Figure out how many people you need to contact to get a sale.  If you need to talk to 10 people to make an Ulitimate Program" sale, (which would give you $100 U.S. profit at Supervisor level), then schedule in when and how you will talk to those 10 people daily.

Use a script to save time when doing phone work.  Scripts for talking to all new prospects, whether customer or Distributor, keep you on track and are duplicatable.  If possible, have your new Distributors listen in so they can hear what you do and try it.

Use a card system when you are on the phone doing follow up for your retail clients. Begin the conversation with, "I only have a few minutes, but I wanted to check in and see how you are doing."  Record the results so you're prepared for the next call.  Also remember to ask for referrals.  Referrals are a great way to get to talk to some of your new 10 people a day.  If you have a lot of follow up calls, be sure to schedule them into your day.  Before making important calls, it's sometimes helpful to outline the script, then take notes during the call.  I keep previous notes as reference for the next follow- up call.

Maximize your time.
While running errands, skating, at school, or wherever, I am always prepared with flyers, Herbalife Journals, brochures and products in my car.  * The Online Business System now has Business Introduction CD Rom’s to take with you everywhere!

My day planner has addresses and phone numbers so when I am driving I can make some calls.  My book contains a goal section, contacts section, and our production bonus report (three-hole punched) so I can have our organization information with me.

Schedule time for family, friends and people who are important to you.  When it's homework time, dinner time, reading before bedtime, etc., I do not take phone calls.  I let the machine answer and call back later.  I love it and don't want it interrupted.

Employ yourself.
I have a full-time attitude.  Before you go to bed, review the day, check off what was done.  Ask yourself, "What was my productivity today?  Who were the 10 new people I talked to?" and "How much profit did I earn?"

Look in the mirror and honestly answer the question, "Would I have hired or fired myself today?"  Then, set up tomorrow's schedule and get a good night's sleep knowing you've done your very best.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My Favorite Formula 1 Shake Recipe.

Since I am using the formula 1 shakes as a meal replacement to help me lose some weight, I thought that I would make a little note on one of my favorite shake recipes.

Normally I am a chocolate shake guy, but when I joined Herbalife I received the vanilla shake in my sample order, french vanilla to be exact.  Now the french vanilla was OK.  I mean it's vanilla, what is there to get excited about, it's not french vanilla ice cream, which I really love.  Anyway I was trying to find a way to make my french vanilla shakes a little more flavorful.   I played around with some recipes, adding various types of fruits etc, which was not bad.  I did enjoy the blueberries though.

To make a long story short, I need to insert here that I am a morning coffee drinker.  Now I don't drink a lot coffee, just a couple of cups maybe in the mornings.  Since I don't like my coffee black, I usually add some creamer and splenda.  Well my creamer is a nationally recognized company.  They

have a variety of flavors but my favorite flavor of creamer just happens to be french vanilla.

So one day as I was putting creamer into my coffee, I started wondering what my french vanilla shake would taste like if I put some french vanilla creamer in it.  By the way way my creamer is sugar free.  So I did it.  I put in a little french vanilla creamer into my french vanilla shake

and Wow... It was really good.  It really intensified the french vanilla flavor, and tasted more like french vanilla ice cream, yummy.

So here is my recipe for my double french vanilla shake.

1oz of french vanilla creamer (sugar free)
4-5 cubes of ice
4oz of 1% or fat free milk
5oz of water
2-3 table spoons of pure protein powder
1 tea spoon of splenda (optional)
Blend until ice is crushed well but not completely melted...pour and enjoy.

Thanks for letting me share one of my favorite formula 1 shake recipes.

Want to Try A Free Shake?   Click here>>>>Try Free Shake

Friday, July 6, 2012

The MAIN Reason Most People FAIL In Network Marketing.

According to some online sources we find that thousands and thousands of people start an online business.  It is estimated that 95% of those folks make little or no money in their business.  Here are few reasons I believe that figure is so high.


It is ridiculous to think that bugging your friends and family could be a solid foundation for ANY business.

YES... IT IS a a great place to START! Without a doubt, starting by contacting your friends and family  SHOULD BE the FIRST thing you do...BUT...Once you've done that... what if you're not yet making the six figure income you hoped you would?!

Most likely you won't, because your friends and family are most likely NOT going to become your next super star leader!


REASON #1: They are Unqualified & Not Targeted

Most of your Warm Market is NOT interested in starting a home business online and NONE of them
came to had to approach them... you were the HUNTER, instead of the HUNTED... THIS IS KEY!

REASON #2 : Quantity

I don't care how many people you know, you will never be able to run enough numbers with your warm market.

Think about this...

The training inside of The Online Business System will show you how to get targeted prospects delivered directly to your computer back office.  These are prospects who are actually seeking a work
from home business. So tell me, would you prefer this type of prospects or chasing down friends and relatives?

The Online Business System is an automated, duplicatable system of online marketing that has propelled our distributors to the top of the company's highest levels of achievements.

To see if The Online Business System can help you earn a full time  income working from the comfort of your own home, visit our site and order your personal business kit that will explain everything you will need to know to understand how this business works, and if it will be a good fit for you.  Just visit

Friday, June 29, 2012

Journey To Success With Online Business Systems.

I have written before about my Online Business System Business, and how it is helping me to earn extra income now and when I retire, which, Lord willing will be in 2013.

Today I want to introduce you to some fellow Baby Boomers who are also using the Online Business System.

 Read about what this business has meant to them. This is Mike & Rosie Bottai's Journey to Success

Prior to finding Online Business Systems, we both worked long, frustrating hours. We spent 17 years building a business that we believed would give us a good retirement, but within 6 months of the sale of that business, our retirement income evaporated before our eyes.

We searched for jobs, but being "Baby Boomers" and former business owners only brought us to the realization that we were no longer employable, and honestly we really didn't want a "boss". We saw an ad that piqued our interest and we were impressed by the business opportunity, the products, and our coach. That was just the beginning of an incredible journey.

Our overall health remarkably improved almost overnight. We now have the vitality to keep up with our grandchildren and we're learning leadership skills to help others achieve success as well. Now, 8 years later, we're living the lifestyle that we've always dreamed of thanks to Online Business Systems and Herbalife. This is a magical business that can take you anywhere you want to go!

So there you have it another success story for the Online Business System. If you want to find out more about this amazing home based business, send for our No Risk Business Kit Today. Just Visit...My Online Business System

Larry and Patty Johnson

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Featured Product: Prolessa Duo

Herbalife has just launched an exciting new product: Prolessa Duo.

Prolessa Duo is a unique stimulant-free formula that helps significantly reduce caloric intake and promotes body fat loss. It reduces hunger by creating a feeling of fullness and satiety.

A healthy and delicious meal that provides essential nutrients and quality ingredients in an enhanced formula proudly backed by scientific research.

Formula 1 includes soy protein, fiber and essential nutrients that can help support metabolism, cellular growth repair and production.

Formulated and developed by Herbalife's Nutritional Advisory Board under the the guidance of Dr. Steve Henig Ph. D., Prolessa Duo targets fat and fights hunger for up to 8 hours.

Simply add one scoop of Prolessa Duo to your meal replacement shakes and you'll notice a difference in just days.  Get this great product and look at all of our quality nutritional products by visiting.  
Healthy Products

Larry and Patty Johnson